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Australian Control Conference, Melbourne, 10-11 November 2011


NOTE: the deadline for final upload of papers has been extended to 31st August, 2011.


Papers can be now submitted here.

The Australian Control Conference (AUCC) is a new conference series that is organised by the Institution of Engineers Australia (IEAust) through its National Committee for Automation, Control and Instrumentation (NCACI). It is technically sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society. The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum
for Australian researchers, students and control engineers from industry and government organisations to exchange ideas and recent results, as well as discuss current problems, arising in control engineering research and industrial practice. At the same time, international contributions are encouraged and will be solicited for.

The conference will be organised annually and will be held in various locations in Australia. The inaugural AUCC will be held in Melbourne in 2011. The strategic direction and decisions are provided by the AUCC Steering Committee, a sub-committee of NCACI, IEAust. Each year the Steering Committee appoints Organising and Technical
Committees that are responsible for organising the conference in a given year.

The technical programme of the conference consists of oral presentations, poster presentations, keynote lectures and special industrial sessions whose purpose is to encourage a better exchange between practising control engineers and researchers in universities and government agencies. Postgraduate students will be encouraged to attend through reduced registration fees. The proceedings will be available from the Engineers Australia online library and from IEEEXplore (subject to final confirmation).


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